Oelke site

View Portfolio

A Little About Myself

This is a placeholder about myself

Work History

More placeholder text

Showcase a particular release or project

Every project has a story, and lucky for us; stories tend to make a project more appealing. Give an engaging, yet brief explanation of why and what you made. Maybe even a few details on your process. Don't cover everything, save details for individual images. Your thesis or learnings are often best saved for the final reveal, then in an introductory paragraph.

Humans seem to find between 50 and 60 characters to be a comfortable line length to read. For example, that's about the the length of this sentence. This comes from the Baymard Institute and if you were wondering about post length, studies have shown that readers are drawn to shorter posts.
  • People will stop and stare, these clothes are that good! Mr. King understands what we want.
    Elizabeth Hamilton
  • The experience of working with Owen has been overwhelmingly positive.
    Sally Kelly
  • Owen truly listened to everything about my lifestyle and preferences. I have never felt more confident!
    Anna Fernandez

Latest Designs

Small description of this content section and what value a viewer can expect to gain from it.
  • Painted Leather Bag

  • Fitted Plaid Shirt

  • Lace Dress

Summer Shirts

Just in time to grab some attention

Target a particular feature, etc. directly. This space is perfect for elaboration on how you affected the project or product. Be sure to focus on how you added value, specifics that are measurable (User count grew etc.) are extremely valuable.

Owen King

Fashion Designer & Seamster

Contact Me



Street address

Where You Can Find Me

Take the time to ensure that sharing your location is something that your audience needs. Most employers only value the city, not a particular place. If you do choose to share your location, include any instructions that may be important once at the address (Unit number, etc.).